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Therapy Session in Progress

The   L.I.F.T.   Method
Utilizes ligament stimulation to reset aberrant neural myofascial tension patterns restoring the body's natural tensegrity.

The   L.I.F.T.   Method
Changes the neurology making the muscular and fascial systems function better. Used with movement training, the client retains the new movement patterns and experiences relief from pain.

The   L.I.F.T.   Method
Allows the practitioner to locate where the cause of excess tension and inhibition are within the body, via fascial & muscle function testing.  Treat gently, quickly and conservatively.  Change is immediate, resolving pain and pathology.

“Our bodies, modern architecture, and the universe itself are governed by laws of TENSEGRITY.  The body is not a rigid skeleton with muscles and ligaments attached.  It’s actually a delicate balance of tensile and compressive forces that hold all of the structures in perfect balance.  When muscles become too strong or too weak, when ligaments are sprained, or when poor posture is the norm, we lose TENSEGRITY.  The loss of TENSEGRITY is a leading cause of sports-related injuries and chronic pain syndromes.  Whether it be an imbalance of the muscles, joints, diet, or lifestyle, restoring this balance is essential to healing.”  


-Dr. Chris Barnes-

Creating muscle and fascial function via ligament stimulation was inspired from the Logan Basic Technique, developed by Hugh B. Logan in the early 1900's.  The Logan Basic utilizes directional pressure to the sacrotuberous ligament, reducing hypertonicity in the para-spinal musculature. This technique is still widely used within the chiropractic community.


Until recently, medical science had regarded the primary role of the ligament system as tissue that attached bone to bone.  We now know that the ligaments and fascia do so much more.  Scientists, specializing in fascial research, show that the ligament system contributes proprioceptive information to the nervous and fascial systems and that ligaments have ten times more mechanoreceptor feedback to the brain than the muscles.  Ligaments contain Ruffini Corpuscles and free nerve endings, all of which supply the brain - Thalamus - with information.  The fascia and CNS use the ligaments to monitor and influence muscular tonicity and function.  


With extensive research, I developed The L.I.F.T. Method:  Ligament Influenced Fascial Technique.  A vast background of methodology such as neuromuscular reeducation techniques, Pilates principles, fascial tensegrity and function, Myofascial Testing, muscle function testing at end range for neurological feedback have all contributed to the evolutionary L.I.F.T. Method.  I have discovered that this approach not only restores fascial length, but restores the muscle’s ability to function on demand by addressing the fascial component of muscle structure. The neuromuscular reeducation while utilizing the ligaments creates tensegrity change that lasts! Only LIFT brings all of these concepts together allowing the therapist to treat patients quickly and effectively.  Best of all, the technique is gentle to the client and has better results than deep tissue work.

The ability to test the muscles via the fascial systems ability to lengthen without compensation allows the practitioner to determine exactly where the restrictions within the fascial system is located.   This testing technique was born out of the necessity to better understand the characteristics of the human fascial web that embodies us all.  Once the fascial tensions are reset with ligament stimulation, neuromuscular function testing lets the practitioner know what and where the system is not functioning correctly.   The tests are ingenious in that they help systematically break down the often complex myofascial lines / meridians.  With myofascial length testing and muscle function testing, therapists can see what part of a fascial line is restrictive by taking away all compensation patterns.  This allows the therapist to determine if that pain in the shoulder is from the shoulders or elsewhere in the body.  If a muscle is just "released" but is not functioning neurologically, the aberrant tension patterns will return.  Only L.I.F.T. provides a way to easily mobilize yet insure stability.


LIFT was selected to present as a "poster presentation" at the 2015 International Fascial Congress meeting in Washington DC.



Body Shoppe Therapies,  LLC   
21014 SE 268th Court, Covington   WA   98042


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