Call or Text: 253 . 740 . 9146
Email : JKovaly.LMT@gmail.com
Body Shoppe Therapies in Covington, WA
- Pilates
- CoreAlign
- Somatics
- LIFT Method Therapy
- Bowen
- Swedish Spa Massage

Dear Ideal Client,
It’s been a few months since you started working with me. You were a little nervous to start – you said you weren’t flexible enough, you felt a little heavier than was comfortable, and you have this nagging problem with your neck/shoulder/back. You were afraid to move because it might hurt. But you courageously began your sessions, despite these feelings.
You were finally ready to take care of yourself and get strong.
You admitted that even in the first few sessions you had reservations about how the combination of bodywork, Pilates and Somatics might help you. You needed so much focus for the detailed movements! How could these precise, controlled movements change anything, you thought.
But then, you began to enjoy moving and being in control of your body. You couldn't believe how much of a difference the combination of bodywork and movement made. Before you knew it, several months had gone by and you would excitedly tell me little strength improvement stories, like that time you had to lift your suitcase into the overhead bin. And it was easy! You even tell me how you feel so good after each class. Energized. Balanced. Strong. Every class goes by super-fast because of your dedicated focus and, well, we laugh a lot together.
Those nagging pains went away and you feel so good!
This letter is a thank you. For taking that courageous first step. For trying something new and out of your comfort zone. I feel honored you chose me as your therapist and instructor. Not only do you work hard to the best of your ability, you keep showing up, week after week. You are open to having fun with movement and learning to experience a connection between your mind and body.
I know the day will come when you have better movement patterns so ingrained in your body that you won’t need me any longer. Until then, thank you so much for sharing your journey into better health with me.
Your happiness is my happiness!